Process Filters

Process Filters

ProcessMind enables you to apply filters to processes and metadata, allowing you to focus on specific parts of the data. This filtering capability lets you “slice and dice” the data for more detailed insights and analysis.

Adding Filters

You can add filters in two ways:

  1. Select Data from Charts:
    Select data directly in a chart and click the Filter button in the top-right corner to apply the filter.

  2. Manually Add Filters:
    Click the + sign in the Filter tab to manually add filters. This will open a menu with various filter categories.

Removing Filters

ProcessMind offers flexibility in managing filters, allowing you to remove them individually or all at once:

  • Removing Individual Filters:
    To remove a specific filter, click the X button next to the filter in the Filter tab. This allows you to selectively clear filters while keeping others intact.

  • Removing All Filters:
    To remove all active filters at once, click the Remove All Filters icon located at the top of the Filter tab. This clears all filters and resets your process view to its default state.

These options make it easy to manage and adjust filters as needed during your analysis.

Filter Categories

Filters in ProcessMind are grouped into the following categories:

  • Common Filters
  • Default Attributes
  • Dataset-Specific Filters

Each category contains specialized filter types to refine your process analysis.

Common filters

Case Filter
  • Purpose: Filter outliers based on their occurrence percentage.
  • How It Works:
    A slider allows you to adjust the range, filtering out cases that fall above or below a certain percentage. This filter operates at the case instance level, removing process variations based on how often they occur in the process.

Follow By
  • Purpose: Filter data related to processes that start or end with a specific activity.
  • Use Case: Focus on paths leading to or starting from key activities in the process.

Period Selector
  • Purpose: Filter data based on specific time or date ranges.
  • Range Options:
    • Custom Period: Select your own “from” and “to” date range.
    • Year: Include all data from a specified year.
    • Quarter: Filter within a specified range of quarters.
    • Month: Focus on a specific range of months.
    • Day + Time: Define a precise date and time range for filtering.

Variation Filter
  • Purpose: Filter process variations based on your selection.
  • Features:
    • Multi-select options to include or exclude specific variations.
    • Invert selections or quickly select multiple attributes by dragging the mouse up or down.

Default Attributes

Default attributes represent standard process mining metrics available across all attached datasets. These include:

  • Case ID: Filter on specific case IDs.
  • Time: Filter on date or time ranges of cases.
  • Activity Filter: Focus on specific activities.
  • User Filter: Filter by a specific user or user group.
  • Start Time: Filter cases based on their start time.
  • Cost: Filter data based on cost attributes.
  • tCO2e: If available, filter based on the carbon footprint metric.

Dataset-Specific Filters

  • Purpose: Filter on attributes unique to a specific dataset.
  • How It Works: Filters are tailored to the type of data in the dataset, ensuring relevant filtering options are available.

By utilizing these filters, ProcessMind provides a flexible way to refine and analyze your process data, helping you focus on the areas that matter most.