Billing and Payments

Tue Oct 01 2024

Billing and Payments


Billing and Payments is only accessible for users with the role of Organization Admin and a active subscription.

You Billing and Payments Settings can be found in the Settings menu.

Billing and Payment Manual

In the Billing and Payment section, you can manage all aspects of your account’s billing and subscription:

  1. View Payment History: See a full history of your payments, including upcoming charges.
  2. Update or Cancel Subscription: Modify or cancel your plan as needed.
  3. Payment Methods: Update your payment method, such as adding a new credit card.
  4. Download Invoices: Access invoices from past payments.
  5. Update Business Information: Modify company details, tax ID, and purchasing contacts.
  6. Address and Contact Info: Change your billing address and personal contact details.

This section ensures complete control over your subscription and payment settings.


It is not possible to change your payment currency or country. If you need to change this, please contact our support team.

Billing and Payment FAQ