How to Import and Export BPMN Files

ProcessMind offers full support for the BPMN 2.0 standard, enabling seamless import and export of BPMN models. This guide aids in understanding the process of importing BPMN files into your process models and details the BPMN elements supported by our tool.

Importing BPMN Files

Efficiently import BPMN 2.0 files into ProcessMind using the following methods:

  1. From the Process List: Click the + icon to add a new process and choose your BPMN file.
  2. From the Design Canvas: Access the hamburger menu on the design canvas and choose “Import BPMN into this model…” to upload your BPMN file into an existing model.

ProcessMind adheres to the full BPMN 2.0 standard, though not all attributes are used. Only essential elements for process modeling are incorporated, while some metadata or execution-specific attributes are not currently supported by our tool.

Exporting BPMN Files

To efficiently export BPMN models created in ProcessMind, use the following guide:

From the Design Canvas: Access the hamburger menu on the design canvas, then select “Export BPMN”. This feature lets you export your current process model in BPMN 2.0 format, maintaining compatibility with other BPMN-compliant tools and systems.

Supported BPMN Elements

Explore the complete list of supported BPMN elements within the ProcessMind application.